Brasilianische und weißrussische Fahnen werden in Koblenz gehisst
Die WM-Organisatoren können schon mal die brasilianische und die weißrussische Fahne sowie die Nationalhymnen der beiden WTF-Mitglieder bereitlegen: Aus den Neujahrsbotschaften dieser beiden neuen Ringtennisnationen geht hervor, dass jetzt in Sao Paulo und Minsk die Reisevorbereitungen zur zweiten Ringtennis-WM Anfang August in Koblenz konkreter werden. Hier die Stimmungsberichte von Viviane Pekelman für Brasilien, das schon bei der ersten WM 2006 in Indien vertreten war und Andrej Konan für Weißrussland, das in Koblenz seine WM-Premiere geben wird.
Viviane Pekelman aus London am 27. Dezember 2009:
“Because of the recession, I still don’t know how many will come from brazil. But at least another 4 women show serious interest. And another woman with her two grown sons are interested as well. unfortunately, brazilian style, it is complicated to get them to confirm now if they will come. So we don’t know the numbers yet. I will try and keep you and reinhard posted.
In terms of preparation for the championship, yes, fingers crossed in regards to injuries. When I went to India, I was still recovering from an ankle surgery so I was extremely unfit!! (plus i really struggled with your style of playing) And now, I am recovering from a knee injury where I damaged my cartillage but I’m okay now but it acts up once in a while. But I will definitely be coming to Koblenz. My mother has just had a knee prosthetic done last month, and is now recovering and doing lots of physio. She will be coming as well, and my sister in london could possibly come too as she knows how to play well.
All those that go to koblenz will probably travel a bit around germany so that sounds like fun and we all look forward to it. well, I’m sure you must be quite involved in all the preparations for the championship and I wish you and reinhard good luck! I hope you had a lovely Christmas and I wish you a very Happy New Year!! Best wishes”
Andrej Konan aus Minsk (Weißrussland) am 23. Dezember 2009:
“This year for us was very successful. We have created Belarusian Ringo Federation, had 4 countries at International Ringo Tournament in Minsk, contacted and visited German players. In 3 weeks we must officially make a calendar for the next 2010 year. So we have decided to make 3 ringtennis tournaments ( February, May, July ) in Belarus to prepare for WM-2010 in Koblenz. We hope to have full team at the WM (12+3). Thank you much for your help in Rossdorf. Wish you good health, lot of positive days, good luck”