Herzlich willkommen auf der offiziellen Website zur Ringtennis-WM 2010 in Koblenz!     


Artikel Tagged ‘Weltmeisterschaft’

Ringtennis-WM 2010: Der Trailer

8. Oktober 2009

made by Christian Herzog

Deutsche WM-Kandidatin bei Autounfall verletzt

29. September 2009

Die aktuelle Nummer 4 der deutschen Nationalmannschaft – Melanie Böttcher (PSG Mannheim) – ist nach einem Autounfall am Knie operiert worden und fällt auf unbestimmte Zeit aus.


WTF Newsletter 4

23. Juni 2009

Content 1: Attached you will find the competition programme of the 2nd World Championships 2010. We will celebrate a various pogramme of Tenniquoits competitions during this prestigious event. Our objective is to present a compact and dense programme to all participants, spectators and media. Mehr…

WTF Newsletter 3

4. April 2009

Content 1: Please find attached the official emblem for the World Championships 2010. It shows a stylized Tenniquoits player in colours of the German flag. This emblem was designed by a young German tenniquoits player. Mehr…

WTF Newsletter 2

14. Oktober 2008

Content 1: Big events will have a long time of preparation. In about 2 years the 2nd World Championships will take place 2010 in Germany. For that all members of the WTF are called up to start their national preparations right in time to make this event a real international glamorous and unique festival. Mehr…

WTF Newsletter 1

25. September 2008

Dear Participants of the Tenniquoits World-Championships 2010, dear friends of international Tenniquoits,

From today on I will send you helpful information and details concerning the WTF Tenniquoits World-Championships 2010 in standardised form from time to time. This should help to have all members at the same level of knowledge concerning the preparations for this historical event. Mehr…